1- , faridmohseni90@gmail.com.
Abstract: (658 Views)
The punishment of the deprivation of liberty has been widely welcomed in the two areas of legislation and the judiciary. Given the emergence of penal schools from classical to neoclassical school, the imprisonment has always changed in terms of both quantity and quality of the execution worldwide as a result of changes in the purposes of punishments, but to what extent do these changes affect the Iranian legislature? The outcomes of the above-mentioned schools and paradigms governing the imprisonment are accepted when the General Penal Code was passed in 1925. As the Islamic Revolution of Iran took place, the classification of punishments and the maximum reduction of imprisonment rate as ta'zir are obtained as result of Islamic Penal Code (referred to in Iran simply as sharīʿa) passed in 1983. Despite the above-mentioned changes, paradigms governing the punishment of the deprivation of liberty have always played a significant role in the Iranian legislature’s tendency towards the imprisonment
Type of Study:
Research |
Criminal Law Received: 2020/12/07 | Revised: 2022/12/26 | Accepted: 2021/05/16 | Published: 2021/09/11 | ePublished: 2021/09/11
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