The cases of Revocation of the contract in the labor law are not clearly specified. The labor code, in support of the worker, has accepted the expulsion implicitly, without specifying the types and reasons and in the notes of Article 7, it has shaken indefinite contracts. In spite of amending Article 10 and Article 21 in 1394, there are still some ambiguity: What are the cases of Revocation of a contract in accordance with the clause (g) Article 10 and the clauses (g) and (H) of article 21of labor code? What authority should determine the cases of Revocation in the labor code? Research method is descriptive-analytical way. despite paragraph (g) of Article 21, paragraph (h) of Article 10 is redundant and paragraph (g) of Article 21 is not one of the ways to terminate the contract along with other cases of termination of the contract, but the legislator should Organize " revocation within labor law" in two cases: revocation at the will of the employer and revocation at the will of the worker with specific types and conditions of each. This requires amendments to the labor law to provide contractual balance in labor relations.
Type of Study:
Applicable Research |
General Law Received: 2021/04/06 | Revised: 2023/04/16 | Accepted: 2022/11/02 | Published: 2023/03/18 | ePublished: 2023/03/18
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