Volume 27, Issue 100 (winter 2023)                   __Judicial Law Views __2012__, 27(__59__): __224208 | Back to browse issues page

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Sabri N, Shadmanfar M R, yosefzadeh A. Employer Crimes in Iran Labor Law. دیدگاه‌های حقوقی 2023; 27 (100) :187-208
URL: http://jlviews2.ujsas.ac.ir/article-1-2074-en.html
1- , mrsh23@gmail.com
Abstract:   (515 Views)
Penal Law defines the crimes and the penal reactions appropriate to those crimes, on the one part and describes the manner of penal investigation process, on the other part. The regulations of Penal Law are applied to all its subjects. However, some special regulations are allocated to part of the subjects based on the social advancements. One of those special regulations is criminalization in the area of Labor Law. The Iranian legislature has explained a series of social values and criminalized over forty titles in this law upon the enactment of the Labor Law in 1990 with the aim of supporting the labor rights. These values are required to be considered separately. On the other hand, it is crucially important to control the employer and employee relations with various levers due to the special situation of the employees. In particular, the penal regulations contained in the Labor Law have been entirely enacted through a specific process by the Expediency Discernment Council. Here comes this question: What was the reason for criminalization by the legislator in the field of Labor Law and what special conditions do the specific penalties contained in the Labor Code have? The present Article seeks to find the answer to the said questions by collecting data based on the library and descriptive- analytical method. Finally, an attempt has been made to explain the special rules and conditions that govern employer crimes. This research can help to develop the range of studies on the penalties caused by working.
Full-Text [PDF 533 kb]   (226 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable Research | Subject: Criminal Law
Received: 2021/08/09 | Revised: 2023/07/05 | Accepted: 2022/11/02 | Published: 2023/03/18 | ePublished: 2023/03/18

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